Tahanovský Grand Slam (22.04.2012)
Kategori: Verseny
Kart/område: Tahanovce
Arrangør: Peter Sláma
Land: Slovakia
Disiplin: Middle
Distanse: 6.13 km
Tid: 40:50
Such a wonderful orienteering experience - want to repeat it asap!
Mistakes: 1: 15". 2: 45". 5: 25". 7: 20". 9: 65". 10: 40". 13: 25". 15-18: 30". 20: 10". 21: 30". 23: 15". Total: 5'30".

6th place (out of 21) - nice result given my current physical form.
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Tahanovský Grand Slam (22.04.2012)